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PAHO warns of measles outbreaks in the Americas and highlights risks in Brazil

With consecutive drops in measles vaccination coverage, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) — a branch of the World Health Organization (WHO) — issued an alert about possible outbreaks in the Americas, highlighting the situation in Brazil. The focus should be on resuming vaccination of children with the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella).

In 2021, more than 1.7 million children in 28 countries and territories in the Americas did not receive their first dose of measles vaccine before completing their first year. Considering data from Brazil, in 2022, the first dose of MMR was administered to 76.6% of the target population, according to the Ministry of Health. The ideal coverage is 95%.

Brazil, Venezuela and measles cases in the Americas

It is worth remembering that in 2016, the Americas were declared free of measles. Only a few months later, “the countries of the region reported an increase in imported cases between 2017 and 2019, with the most significant outbreaks in Brazil — where endemic circulation continued — and in Venezuela”, says PAHO.

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In recent years, the highest incidence rate of the disease was recorded in 2019, with 21.5 cases per million inhabitants. The cause was directly related to the outbreaks in Brazil and Venezuela, which accounted for 93% of diagnoses in the period.

Scaling up vaccination of children is key to preventing further measles outbreaks in the Americas (Image: Twenty20photos/Envato)

With the covid-19 pandemic, social distancing and school closures, measles cases have dropped again, which may have represented a break in the chain of transmission. In 2022, only six countries in the region reported the disease:

In the last year, Brazil officially confirmed 41 cases of measles and 115 remain under investigation, with no deaths due to the disease. Official diagnoses focus on four states:

How to avoid new measles outbreaks in Brazil?

To prevent new measles outbreaks from occurring in the Americas and Brazil, PAHO highlights the importance of vaccination. It is necessary to “implement vaccination intensification activities to close immunity gaps in high-risk municipalities as soon as possible”, points out the organization.

Health professionals should pay attention to the signs of the disease, marked by a fever and red spots on the body. In addition, public resources must be invested in epidemiological surveillance.

Measles vaccination of travelers

PAHO also recommends that travelers aged more than six months present a measles and rubella vaccination card when entering a new country. For those who cannot present proof of vaccination, the recommendation is that they are vaccinated at least two weeks before travelling.

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