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Pakistan wants to bring protesters before military courts

In Pakistan, after the temporary arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, thousands of demonstrators are to be tried before military courts. In a statement yesterday evening (local time), the government and military announced that they would not show any leniency.

Riots broke out in the South Asian country last week after opposition leader Khan was taken from a court in Islamabad. Demonstrators stormed several military buildings.

criticism from human rights organizations

According to the police, more than 4,000 people were arrested. Most are still in prison. Khan is now free again. Human rights organizations criticized the announcement.

“Trial of civilians by a military court is not compatible with international law,” Amnesty International said. This is a “pure intimidation tactic” against the opposition.

The organization Human Rights Commission of Pakistan also spoke of arbitrary arrests of politicians belonging to Khan’s PTI party. During Khan’s almost four-year term in office until April last year, civilians had to answer before military courts.

New arrest possible

The former prime minister has since been released by order of the Supreme Court. However, a new arrest of the former cricket star is possible. Since Khan was overthrown by a vote of no confidence, the judiciary has repeatedly raised new allegations.

Observers see political reasons for this. Khan himself has repeatedly accused the powerful military of being involved in a conspiracy against him. The 70-year-old is hoping for a political comeback.

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