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‘Palomean’ to Omar Mejía for Banxico

Mexico City.- The Third Commission of the Congress of the Union approved the opinion regarding the appointment of Omar Mejía Castelazo as deputy governor of the Governing Board of Banco de México (Banxico).

With this, the Commission affirms that Castelazo meets the requirements to hold the position, but it will be the Plenary of the Permanent Commission that endorses the appointment.

During his appearance before this Third Committee, Mejía Castelazo said that maintaining autonomy, transparency, and independence will be a priority if he is elected to office.

He also mentioned that accountability is essential for the central bank.

Mejía Castelazo considered that the Bank of Mexico’s intervention against inflation has been responsible and prudent.

However, he warned that the risks for inflation continue to be high, for which reason he promised that his priority would be to deal with it if it were ratified.

The candidate stressed that price stability is a necessary condition for the country’s development and opined that, in light of the economic problems, the best thing central banks can do is address the problem of inflation.

He stressed that central banks must crack down on protracted economic shocks.

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