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Pamela David’s guest who got angry and almost abandoned the mobile

In recent days, some young people broke down the door of the house where Cinthia Fernández resides with her three daughters. To defend herself, she pepper sprayed them after assuming they were thugs. After all the controversy that was generated by the case in question, Pamela David spoke with the El Trece panelist on “American Breakfast”.

Pamela David, host of “American Breakfast”.

As can be seen in the video, the aforementioned format team made a mobile with Cinthia while the lawyer Omar Saker was in the study. The main purpose of the host of “American Breakfast” was to discuss the issue in depth with a live lawyer and Fernández’s statements, but the situation got out of control.

How the moment of tension originated

In principle, Saker analyzed what happened between the panelist and her neighbors, who were celebrating at a party, a fact from which the door arose.

To be exact, the lawyer who was next to Pamela David in the study he said: “She obviously has a constant state of nerves and this is the demonstration that he was transferred to his neighborhood. She is a dangerous woman who tomorrow can become dangerous.”

Far from ignoring the professional’s sayings, the guest replied: “Be careful, you’re going to have a legal problem for saying that. Let this unpresentable guy have two minutes of fame.”

However, Cinthia recalled a situation from the past that directly involved the lawyer who was on the program: “Ah, he is the one who mistreated a woman live. Therefore, it seems that he was a little annoyed. He was in a rather strange state when he came to the program. If you want, I’ll leave you talking nicely with the man. I don’t have to debate with a lawyer who isn’t mine.”

Seconds later, Cinthia anticipated pamela his desire to retire from mobile: “I don’t feel like coming across this violent man. I don’t feel like sharing the note.”

As it was expected, Daniel Vila’s wife He tried to contain his interviewee, but Cinthia quickly stated: “I send you a kiss, Pame. I am not going to share or listen to the opinion of this violent man.”

However, the “LAM” panelist apologized to pamela for the decision to leave: “I apologize a thousand times. I prefer not to share the note. I send you a huge kiss.”

Cinthia even offered to leave the noteros in a certain place so that they could return to the channel without any problem, but after a few seconds the driver was able to calm the situation.

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