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Pampita’s unexpected comment on the currency run

Although the issue of the dollar is an issue that concerns all Argentines, and is the subject of conversation among people, the one who had a surprising comment on the subject was the television host Pampita.

In his role as a jury of The 8 Steps, Guido Kackza’s program that appears on the screen of El Trece, he was encouraged to give a brief but forceful explanation live.

It all happened because of Kackza’s question, one of the participants: “If a currency run occurs, for example, when many people in a short period of time seek to part with the local currency to buy foreign currencies, is it true or false?”

When the 19-year-old replied: “False.” Pampita got into the talk and clarified: “This is what is happening this week, Guido.”

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