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PAN challenges the appointment of Guadalupe Taddei as president of the INE: “She does not meet suitability”

Although yesterday she already protested in office and even launched her first proposals for what the INE will be with her, Guadalupe Taddei could still be removed as president of the electoral body… Well, that is if the challenge to the PAN is successful (that is, most likely not, but the attempt will be made).

Hours before Guadalupe Taddei took office as President Counselor of the National Electoral Institute (INE), the PAN announced that it began an electoral trial against his appointment. The main argument for overthrowing Taddei will be that “does not meet the suitability” required by the position.

Guadalupe Taddei and Lorenzo Cordova / PHOTO: DANIEL AUGUSTO /QARTOSCURO.COM

The electoral trial was presented before the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary and it is accused that the lack of suitability of Guadalupe Taddei to be president of the INE is due to the fact that she has political ties with Morena… and since his job is to resolve electoral issues, well, he doesn’t think he’s going to be impartial enough.

“Pablo Daniel Taddei is director of the company created by the federal government LitioMX; Jorge Luis Taddei Bringas is sub-delegate and representative of the federal government in Sonora; Ivana Celeste Taddei, local deputy from Sonora; Luis Rogelio Piñeda Taddei, director of the Research Center of the Sonora Congress; and Jorge Francisco Piñeda Taddei, in charge of the payroll of the Institute of Scholarships and Educational Credit of Sonora, among other relatives.” points out the PAN in a statement broadcast on networks.

In addition, according to what the PAN accuses, the impediments for Guadalupe Taddei to be president of the INE are not only her ties to Morena… but also, perhaps more importantly, she did not even meet a basic requirement to run: “does not have a professional license with a seniority of at least five years, which proves that they have completed a degree at the undergraduate level”.

The PAN not only rejects the appointment of Guadalupe Taddei as the new head of the INE, He also opposes Jorge Montaño being a member of the General Council of the INE…

In your case, because the rules indicate that a requirement to be eligible is not to be the head of any secretariat or attorney general’s office or attorney general’s office and then it just so happens that the aforementioned He was, until he protested, head of the Electoral Crimes Prosecutor of the State of Tabasco.

“It is also stated that the final list of applicants did not offer elements to reliably know if each of the fifteen met the eligibility requirements or not,” says the PAN.

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