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PAN demands that AMLO confront the drug traffickers and not opponents: “Policy of ‘hugs’ fell like a glove on cartels”

PAN demands that AMLO confront the drug traffickers and not opponents: "Policy of 'hugs' fell like a glove on cartels"
Marko Cortés asked the president to focus on fighting drug trafficking and not the opposition. (TW/@MarkoCortes)
President López Obrador mentioned again in his morning the candidate for the presidential candidacy Xóchitl Gálvez. (Presidency)
The national president of the PAN criticized the “Hugs not bullets” strategy of President López Obrador. (GALO CAÑAS/CUARTOSCURO)
Marko Cortés criticized that this six-year term is the most violent in history. Photo: EFE/Miguel Sierra
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