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PAN proposes an Inflationary Emergency Plan

Claudia Salazar and Martha Martínez / Reforma Agency

Wednesday, February 08, 2023 | 21:47

Mexico City.- The PAN proposed in the Chamber of Deputies the creation of an Inflationary Emergency Plan and a Contingency Fund, in order to support producers of basic basket inputs and protect the income of workers who receive up to three minimum wages, when there are long periods of inflation.

With a package of legal reforms, the PAN deputies proposed the reduction of basic energy supply rates, by a minimum of 20 percent, when general inflation is equal to or greater than 7 percent of the official value published by the Bank from Mexico.

On the rostrum, congressman Jorge Ernesto Inzunza claimed that up to now there has not been a direct support program for the poorest Mexicans due to the increase in inflation.

“Today Mexico has an economic policy, through the Federal Government, which claims to defend the poor, billions of pesos are spent on social programs that supposedly fight poverty, but the result of this policy is very clear, there are millions of new poor, and a policy that claims to defend poverty and that what it is generating are poorer, is a failed economic policy.

“Today the x-ray of real Mexico tells us that there are 60 million Mexicans in conditions of poverty, almost 30 million Mexicans in conditions of food poverty and 10.8 million Mexicans in conditions of extreme poverty, these data confirm that the economic policy of the Government It is not going the right way,” accused the legislator.

The PAN member highlighted that in Mexico the inflation that closed in 2022 was almost 8 percent, the highest in four six-year terms.

However, he said, the most serious problem is that the inflation of the basic basket is much higher than the average inflation given by the Bank of Mexico, since it exceeds 14 percent.

Inzunza cited the increase in basic products in four years, such as oil, with 93 percent; rice, 47 percent; beans, 42 percent; the egg, 61 percent; the tortilla, 45 percent; and chicken, 45 percent.

In the presentation of the proposal, the National Action deputies displayed a giant banner and various posters with the proposal for an Emergency Plan against Inflation.

The deputy explained that said Inflationary Emergency Plan provides for a support program for the production of basic basket goods, with support and incentives for micro and small businesses.

The Inflationary Contingency Fund would help families with lower incomes to 3 minimum wages, for a period of four months a year.

A third point of the proposal would be the reform of the Electricity Industry Law, to reduce in case of maximum inflation the tariffs by 20 percent in the energy service tariffs.

“With this, Mexicans would pay less and inflation would not hurt Mexican homes that today are victims of the highest inflation in four six-year terms and of the largest increases in popular consumption products,” the legislator stated.

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