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PAN was born criticizing oil expropriation: AMLO

Mexico City.- In his speech in the Zócalo, President López Obrador said that the PAN was a party that was born criticizing the oil expropriation.

According to AMLO, General Lázaro Cárdenas had to act cautiously in the face of criticism from the National Action Party.

“In 1940, all this reaction was manifested with great force in the presidential election, the right-wing opposition was such that General Cárdenas had to act cautiously and possibly that influenced him to support the candidacy of Manuel Ávila Camacho.

Not that of General Francisco J. Múgica, because he had more ideological affinity and represented a greater certainty of Continuity and deepening social and nationalist politics,” he said.

By making the statement, AMLO reinforced his approach: “I say this here in the Zócalo because I am not lying, I am speaking the truth.”

To which the crowd, gathered at the plate located in the Center of Mexico City, showed their support by shouting “you are not alone.”

During his speech, the Federal President also pointed out the importance of reaffirming the direction his Government has taken.

“No to half measures, we will never accept that a minority prevails in Mexico at the cost of the impoverishment of the majority,” he stressed.

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