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Panamanian President changes his speech and allows migration through Darien to the US

Panamanian President changes his speech and allows migration through Darien to the US

CITY OF PANAMA.- He President of Panama, Jose Raul Mulino, He reconsidered his initial strategy on migration in the Darien jungle, abandoning his proposal to repatriate migrants by force. This decision marks a significant change from his promises during the electoral campaign.

Mulino has now declared that forced repatriation policies are not viable and that the Panamanian government will allow migrants to continue their journey to the United States. “We cannot imprison them, we cannot repatriate them by force,” said the Panamanian president.

The change in migration policy comes at a time when the Panamanian administration is facing criticism both domestically and internationally. Mulino had previously promised to close the Darien route, a jungle known for its dangerous terrain and the presence of criminal groups. The promise included the forced return of migrants who crossed this area on their way north.

Agreement with the USA

Mulino’s change of heart follows the signing of an agreement with the United States that commits Washington to providing six million dollars to finance repatriations and other related expenses. This agreement is part of a broader effort to manage migration in the region, an issue that has gained prominence in the US election campaign.

He Panamanian Minister of Security, Frank Ábrego, He also softened the government’s stance, saying that allowing migrants to continue their journey is the only viable option. “What they (the migrants) are going to ask theoretically is to continue and there we have no choice but to let them continue” toward the United States, Ábrego explained in a recent interview.

Impact and additional measures

Despite the challenges associated with the Darien jungle, where migrants face dangers such as fast-flowing rivers and wild animals, the number of people crossing the jungle has decreased in 2024. According to Panamanian border police chief Jorge Gobea, 212,000 people have crossed the jungle so far this year, a reduction from the previous year.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has criticized the policy of trail closures, arguing that these measures will only force migrants to seek even more dangerous routes. Meanwhile, former Colombian President Ernesto Samper has warned that the closure of the Darien could lead to an increase in risk for migrants.

In response to the crisis, the United States sent a unit specialized in combating human trafficking to the Darien region, while Panama intensified its maritime surveillance to control the arrival of migrants by sea.

Source: With information from AFP

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