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Paolo Guerrero arrived smiling to pass the medical tests in Racing [VIDEO]

Paolo Guerrero got up early, had an extra energetic breakfast and went to the venue proposed by racing club (Deragopyan medical center) to start the last requirement to sign the contract that you have raised ‘The academy‘, the medical tests. The ‘Predator‘ he showed with a smile, trusting in his complete physical recovery and attended to the fans before entering the club headquarters.

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The Peruvian was received at the door of the medical center by a group of fans who wanted to take a picture with the new striker, who arrived with very light clothing knowing the requirement of medical controls by the doctors Alejandro Dardano Y Juan Martin Linares.

Anthropometric measurements, blood tests, dental examination, chest images and ultrasound scans of both knees of the player will be some of the tests that the medical team will carry out initially on the striker before starting the measurements of other values ​​during the physical effort of the player. player.

Paolo Guerrero took selfies with the fans before passing medical tests in Racing (ESPN Video)

In process…

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