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Parents, politicians and sex education: Can someone give what they don’t have?

La Dra. Nancy Álvarez. [Foto cortesía, vía Michel Suárez / MS Media]

As much as I want to talk about something else, politicians won’t let me. The UN does not stop screwing up (now they intend to accept sex between an adult and a minor who consents to it); the famous DeSantis, governor of Florida, wants, perhaps in good faith, to stop the indoctrination of our children in schools. Meanwhile, sexologists do not show their faces to defend children and adolescents who are, along with a large part of society, more lost than Lindbergh’s son.

Mr. DeSantis, education is not sexual information. Sexual information is found in books and on good internet sites. Sex education cannot begin in preadolescence, because sadly we live in a hypersexualized society, and already at that age young people are having sex, many young people are already pregnant or have had an abortion.

Sex education includes talking about the functional couple and, therefore, the functional family and responsible sexuality. Sex is a gift from God. You have beautiful children, may God bless them. Thanks to Him (God) we came into the world, because our parents had sex. However, an active sex life is not for 12- or 13-year-old boys. Because? Simple: children are not ready to have children.

If a teenager has sex, there will be consequences, and these are reflected in society: single mothers rarely make it to college, and neither do their children. A teenager is not ready to raise a child. A teenager, less, since men mature later than women.

Stop saying that families, that is, parents, should educate their children in this matter. Can someone give what he does not have? For God’s sake, wake up and understand that sex education is a science that begins in the mother’s womb and ends with death.

Sex education is not a game, it is something complicated and very scientific. The first thing is that we should not transmit fear or taboos, and most parents are full of them.

Children have the right to be sexually educated. Their rights exist, although sadly, as always, they are not fulfilled and nobody respects them. If a father shows children such simple things as masturbating is “bad,” he is playing with his sexual future.

Masturbating is, for sexuality, what exercising and warming up the body is for an athlete or a dancer. Women who do not masturbate are usually anorgasmic in the future. Do parents know these things? Can they see their children touch themselves and not tell them that it is bad or dirty? If they’re not prepared, they shouldn’t talk about it until they educate themselves.

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