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Paris 2024: the National Assembly approves genetic tests against doping

Article 4 of the Olympic Games bill, examined at first reading in the Assembly, was adopted by the deputies on Tuesday, before continuing to examine the text on Wednesday.

This is a new step forward in the fight against doping. The deputies of the National Assembly voted Tuesday, March 21 in favor of tests to detect forms of genetic doping, while opposition politicians have tried, without success, to limit this authorization to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris in 2024. Article 4 of the project of the Olympic Games law, examined at first reading in the Assembly, was adopted with 83 votes in favor, and 14 abstentions (ecologists, socialists and rebels).

Many worries

It provides that “the laboratory accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency in France” can carry out genetic tests to detect certain forms of doping in athletes (administration of blood, substitution of samples taken, genetic mutation or genetic manipulation to improve performance). But the authorization is not limited in time, to the great displeasure of the opposition. “We could have an experiment that would be evaluated in June 2025”, proposed the communist Stéphane Peu.

Among the reasons for concern raised: the fact that these tests are made too quickly, without sufficient hindsight on their ethical implications, or even eventually become commonplace in society. “We are using an element with significant social acceptability, which are the Olympic Games, to roll back fundamental freedoms”, launched the rebellious Ugo Bernalicis, already promising a referral to the Constitutional Council, while the text includes other contested measures, in particular concerning video surveillance.

LR amendments and non-registered MP Emmanuelle Ménard also proposed to limit the authorization to the Paris Games. Deputy RN Jordan Guitton pointed out to him that an opinion from the Council of State considers that these proposals derogate from the “principle provisions of the civil code” issues des “laws of bioethics”. The government bill, before its amendment and adoption in the Senate, originally provided for a temporary experiment until the end of 2024.

Stay “at the forefront of this fight”

“We have to include in our law the measures of the world anti-doping code”, insisted, however, the deputy Bertrand Sorre (Renaissance), one of the rapporteurs of the text in the Assembly, invoking a “engagement” taken while contributing to the organization of the Games. “It is an obligation for the Games, we must comply and this in a sustainable way”, abounded the Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, pleading for France to remain “at the forefront of this fight”. “You are going much too fast. Bioethics is still a somewhat serious subject”, scolded the ecologist Jérémie Iordanoff, trying unsuccessfully to impose by amendment the prior consent of those tested. MEPs will continue examining the text on Wednesday.

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