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Paritarias: the government is concerned about negotiating a cap on increases with the unions

Along with the negotiations to renew the Fair Prices agreements, the government is preparing contacts with the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), to expedite the parity Y try to contain salary increases, so that they are located just above 60% which is the estimate of inflation in the 2023 budget.

In the government they hope to achieve that the parity allow prices and wages to walk hand in hand in 2023and they begin to delude themselves that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is located at 4%, at least in the first months of this yearafter November 4.9, and December that would be known on January 12, which they estimate above 5%.

The government will seek that the unions close parities at 60% per year. Source: (TN)

Among the unions that look more closely at Sergio Massa’s team, when it comes to negotiations paritythis that of Commerce (FAECyS), the Construction Workers Union (UOCRA), the Union of Civilian Personnel of the Nation and the rest of the state, educational and banking.

The Mercantiles commanded at the national level by Armando Cavalieri will seek to improve the agreement achieved in August 2022, and will try to achieve an improvement of between 100% and 110% per year, which is what the UOM, truckers and Uocra achieved.

The unions will seek not to lose to inflation in 2023. Source: (iProfessional)

The bank workers, led in the national order by Sergio Palazzo, announced that They will seek a short agreement, which will not exceed the first quarter of the year and then sit down to negotiate for the rest of the year.

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