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Paritarias: there was no offer from the government and there is an intermediate room with the state ones

The Buenos Aires government received this Wednesday the unions that unite the Buenos Aires state workers to review the salary agreement signed at the beginning of the year due to the impact of inflation in March and, as in the case of teachers, there was no salary offer. They will meet again in the next few days.

The meeting was held at the 7th and 39th street headquarters of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Labor, in La Plata, with the presence of representatives of ATE, UPCN and FEGEPPBAwho asked that the 14% tranche scheduled for July be brought forward and paid this month so as not to fall below inflation.

The agreement signed in March with the state sector averaged a 40% rise through August, with a monitoring clause and salary review in case inflation soared. A first tranche of 20% was paid in March and another two are planned: 6% in May and 14% in July. But inflation of 7.7% in March set off the alarms of the unions that asked to review the agreement.

The holder of FEGEPPBA, Pedro Fernandezpointed out that the proposal made to the officials of the Economy and the labor portfolio was that of “activate the clause for monitoring and advance parity and formally request the advancement of the fee that had to be paid in July of 14% for May, together with the percentage of May that makes up 20%”.

“We had already raised this in writing to the Ministry of Labor, now we formally said it in the parity, in the general collective bargaining. The government took note of this, we also reinforced the request for sectoral parities that are key for us, there are many organizations that are waiting for an individual discussion of their problems, which is also a little behind schedule, like some transfers to permanent staff,” he added.

Fernández maintained that the government promised to convene them again with a concrete offer. “The government took note, shared with us the fundamentals of the problem and high inflation, and said that in the next few days it will be summoning us with a concrete offer as much as possible,” he concluded.

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