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Parity: this Tuesday the Government will receive health professionals

The provincial government convened for this Tuesday, at 6:00 p.m., at the headquarters of the Ministry of Labor in the city of Santa Fe, a new joint meeting with union representatives of health professionals.

Within this framework, the Minister of Labour, Juan Manuel Pusineristressed that it is “a new meeting within the framework of the entire process of collective dialogue that the province of Santa Fe is carrying out with the different sectors that represent public workers. Practically all of them have accepted the proposal formulated by the provincial government regarding wages and working conditions.”.

We hope that starting tomorrow we can also have with this sector of health professionals the necessary understandings that allow us to materialize the salary increases proposed for each of the professionals and, also, everything that has to do with working conditions”.

“Among them, particularly, the contracted staff regularization process which, without a doubt, is one of the central points that makes the rights of workers and quality of work and the strengthening of the health system of the province”, concluded the minister.

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