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Party of excesses: what is the main hypothesis for the young woman who died in La Plata?

The repercussions of the terrible discovery of a dead woman inside an apartment, located in the vicinity of 24 between 44 and 45 of the La Loma neighborhood; They seem to multiply with the passing of the hours and the progress of the investigation. New testimonies and results of the expert opinions are clarifying details of what happened around what seems to have been a party of excesses.

According to police sources, the main hypothesis is that it would be “a death related to substance use” after a party held in the same department. “There were more people in the place who are being identified, but we are waiting for the autopsy to see the steps to follow”they added.

As it became known, a bottle with a plant substance similar to marijuana, cuts of nylon wrappers containing a white powdery substance similar to cocaine and a precision scale were seized from the house. “There was a lot of smell of marijuana,” said a neighbor who heard disturbances in the place.


As reported fact became known this Tuesday afternoon after a call to 911. In this context, members of the Patrol Command and doctors from the Emergency Medical Care Service (SAME) attended the scene. Quickly, the mobiles filled the block and the entrance to the building was fenced off to deploy the corresponding tasks.

Upon entering the apartment, the health professionals tried to revive the girl, identified as Maria Rosario Rodriguez, but they could not do anything to save her and minutes later they ended up confirming her death. “In principle, we did not observe traces of violence in the body,” health sources explained to this medium.

It should be noted that the case, investigated by UFI No. 5 of the Judicial Department of La Plata, was classified as “investigation of causes of death” and news is awaited in the next few hours and more results of expert reports carried out.

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