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PASO 2023 elections: the polling stations began to close throughout the country and the Government anticipated a slow scrutiny

PASO 2023 elections: the polling stations began to close throughout the country and the Government anticipated a slow scrutiny

The Government anticipated that the counting of votes will be slow: “They will have to be patient”

Julio Vitobello
Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Patricia Bullrich, Sergio Massa and Javier Milei
There were delays with the Single Electronic Ballot in CABA (Maximiliano Luna)
Sergio Massa arriving to vote (Franco Fafasuli)
Alberto Fernández voted in the UCA
The presidential candidate Horacio Rodríguez Larreta (REUTERS)
Patricia Bullrich (AP)
Javier Milei, one of the great unknowns of the day (AP)
Cristina Kirchner casting her vote in Santa Cruz (Télam)
Cristina Kirchner voted in the province of Santa Cruz: “It is a day of many emotions”
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