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Patricia Bullrich defines with her small table the terms to summon Larreta to the JxC unit

Patricia Bullrich defines with her small table the terms to summon Larreta to the JxC unit

At the closing of this note, the candidate for president of the front had been meeting for more than three hours with her small table. Among them were louis petri, Christian Ritondo, Hernan Lombardi, Nestor Grindetti, Juan Pablo Arenaza, damian arabia y Cristian Larsen. At the summit they began to define the strategy that they will have in the face of the generals and what the rapprochement with the Larreta sector and the line of wounded that the fall of the Buenos Aires head of government will be like. The great doubt that the strategists of the former Minister of Security have is whether, facing October to co-opt the electorate of the orphaned doves, the hawks should moderate their discourse or if they will maintain the dialectical bases that allowed them to win the internal one.

Bullrich, now as the only JxC representative for the Casa Rosada, is certain that she will remain the benchmark for “anti-government”, a definition she took from Macri. The former president for several months has been repeating that there is a turn in society towards that position and that the opposition coalition had to go with an option that represents that concept and not a centrist one. Hence, she has repeated so much in the campaign the need to raise the “For What”, name of her second book.

With the aim of entering the second round, the candidate and Grindetti, her Buenos Aires representative, are confident that they will maintain the votes they garnered Diego Santilli, one of the most even inmates in the space. “First you have to keep those votes inside, then see how to continue looking outside,” said one of the founders of PRO. Anticipating the scenario of Monday post-PASO, Macri was in charge of remarking that, unlike JxC, Milei’s libertarian space did not have internal competition that wore it down during the campaign. This explains why the deputy was the most voted.

In the falcon nest they hope with some messages that reach them from different jurisdictions that assure that they took care of Milei’s votes, something that – they say – would not be repeated in the general elections. However, there are provinces where JvC will have to test their electoral muscle. One of them is Córdoba, where the coalition was third after the economist and the governor Juan Schiaretti. “Blacks (Mario) He said we were going to have a problem there, they didn’t listen. That’s why he didn’t want to be a candidate,” remarked a radical from Cordoba.

The same is replicated in other provinces, such as Chubut, San Juan, San Luis and Santa Fe. In the four districts, JxC failed to transfer the votes from local elections to the national level. For this reason, the figures of the opposition coalition that clashed in the PASO in the territories quickly launched unit photo operations. They are not united by love, but by the fear of being third in October.

The speed of the bases is not reflected at the national level. The meeting between Bullrich and Larreta, which was seen as something imminent on Sunday night, There is still no date, mainly due to the mistrust that reigns between the two.. The presidential candidate is in no hurry and will impose her conditions. Although the head of government has nothing more to lose, after being the big loser in the PASO, he wants to know the “tone” of the call from the former Security Minister before accepting the invitation. “Last night (on Sunday) the ecosystem of the coalition changed. They both want JxC to win and they are going to give everything for that, but in the competition a lot of water passed under the bridge,” considered one of the founding members of the opposition space.

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