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Patrick Bruel back in Algeria: an “unforgettable” trip (Videos)

Patrick Bruel, the French artist, who was born in Tlemcen, Algeria, which he left at the age of 3, returned 60 years later, and seems to be won over. Indeed, since his return to his native country, accompanied by his mother, he has not stopped talking about it with great emotion, whether on television sets, or on his social networks. And in 2 days, the French artist shared two videos of his trip.

On his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts, Patrick Bruel shared a video on Sunday February 12, the images of which were, for the most part, taken in Tlemcen. Having as background music his song “I’m coming back”. Bruel made a point of specifying that these are “images of his unforgettable trip to Algeria”. We see him in the company of his mother in a number of buildings, including the El Mansourah mosque.

Then, we see Patrick Bruel and his mother strolling through the streets of Tlemcen, sometimes hugging her, sometimes kissing her forehead. Then, we see the French singer melting into the crowd, taking photos, chatting with people in the street… All with the song “Je reviens” as background music.

Read also: Patrick Bruel and his mother in Algeria: he says he experienced a double emotion

In the second video, posted yesterday, Monday February 13, the French artist, and unlike the one before, where the majority of the video showed the wilaya of his native land, on the one shared last, shows Patrick, at Oran, at the level of a market, seated at a popular café, but also strolling through the streets of Oran taking photos.

Patrick Bruel expresses his astonishment at the warm welcome in Tlemcen

In addition, the French singer, Patrick Bruel who made several television sets to tell his trip to Algeria, was the guest of Laurent Delahousse in the France 2 program, 8:30 p.m. this Sunday, February 12, 2023. During the exchange , the 63-year-old singer obviously returned to his trip to Tlemcen, Algeria.

Read also: Heartbreaking return of Patrick Bruel to Algeria, the singer recounts his trip

He returned at length to the welcome he and his mother received in Tlemcen, saying: “I would never have imagined the sweetness of this welcome”. “Were you surprised at the reception, were you worried? asked the television presenter. “No, I wasn’t worried, but I would never have imagined such a welcome. I would never have imagined the sweetness of this welcome,” replied the singer, before concluding with the tender words of the Algerians: “The three words we heard for five days: ‘Welcome home, welcome home. ‘ »

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