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Patriotic Society launches membership campaign and promotes a new constitution

They demand transparency against impunity, corruption and drug politics in the National Assembly

QUITO- The board of the Patriotic Society Party List 3 launched a National Affiliation Campaign with the purpose of uniting Ecuadorian citizens in search of positive change for the well-being of the country. In this context, the importance of promoting, through a popular consultation, the approval of a new Constitution that reflects the current values ​​and needs of society is raised.

The deputy and former president of Ecuador, Lucio Gutiérrez, leader of the Patriotic Society party, urged citizens to unite and support the holding of this popular consultation. Through his account on the social network

Lucio Gutiérrez emphasized that the institutional and democratic crisis in the country requires deep and structural changes to refound Ecuador.

The parliamentarian highlighted the need to implement measures such as the Life Chain for thieves and fugitives, the reduction of the number of political parties, the prosecution of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and the seizure of stolen goods as part of a comprehensive transformation process.

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Let’s unite the honest and patriots

“Today we launch the National Affiliation Campaign for the Patriotic Society Party List 3. Let us unite the honest and patriots who want the approval in Popular Consultation of a New Constitution updating the 2008 one, return to the 3 Powers of the State, ask for Judicial Past, out CNE “, New Penal Code with Life Sentence for corrupt judges and politicians, New Democracy Code prohibiting criminals from being candidates, Seizure of Stolen Assets and more laws against Narco Politicians.”

On other occasions, Deputy Gutiérrez has indicated that one of the articles of the Constitution that should be eliminated is 416, paragraph 6, since he considers that this was the starting point of crime, drug trafficking and corruption in Ecuador.

Article 416, paragraph 6 of the Constitution of Ecuador establishes that the country’s relations with the international community must be aligned with the interests of the Ecuadorian people. In this sense, the principle of universal citizenship, the free mobility of all inhabitants of the planet and the progressive end of the status of foreigner are promoted as an element that seeks to transform unequal relations between countries, especially those between the North and the South.

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(email protected)

Source: Social Network X account of the deputy and former president of Ecuador Lucio Gutiérrez / El Universo, Constitution of Ecuador 2008

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