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Payday 2 is almost free on Steam right now!

Although the preparations for Payday 3 are already in full swing, is pleased the predecessor still enormous popularity. If you’ve always toyed with the idea of ​​getting Payday 2, you should the Steam online store pay a visit as soon as possible. There you get the co-op shooter currently cheap.

What is Payday 2 actually about?

It is a matter of a co-op shooter by the development studio Overkill, which originally came onto the market in 2013 and has therefore already had almost ten years under its belt. Nevertheless, the game principle has pleasingly little of his fascination lost. The Payday crew consisting of Chains, Dallas, Hoxton and Wolf carries out numerous crimes such as about Bank robberies or drug trafficking out. It is up to you how you proceed: From wild shooting up to to tactical team play almost anything is possible. to be added numerous random eventswhich make each game look a little different and thus increase the replay value enormously. There are also numerous skills, weapons and modifications available.

How much does Payday 2 currently cost on Steam?

Payday 2 will cost you as part of Steam’s big winter sale (buy now ) currently just 99 cents, so you don’t even have to pay one euro. For that you get the full version with all previously released updates and free DLCs. However, you should rather not take too much time with your purchase, because the campaign is only running until January 5, 2023, as of this Thursday. After that, the normal price is due again.

What’s next for Payday?

It has been known for some time that Overkill or Starbreeze Studios is working on Payday 3. Instead of relying on an internal technology, this time comes the Unreal Engine for use. This time the game action take place in New York, the original crew featuring Chains, Dallas, Hoxton and Wolf are making a comeback. The developers promise one lively game world and dynamic locations. More details such as a specific release date are not known so far.

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