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PayDay 3: new images and great news

After enormous financial difficulties which will have almost caused his death, the studio comes out of it narrowly and caught up with the flight before the crash. As a final attempt to bounce back, he then embarked on the development of the sequel to his now essential license for lovers of well-made co-op, PayDay.
Yes, PayDay 3 is finally a reality. Starbreeze’s game has come a long way. From very very far, but it is well under development and will be published by Prime Matter. If we do not know when the game will be released exactly, the developers still wanted to play with our nerves. And to raise the sauce what better than some mysterious images and a teaser.

PAYDAY 3 shows up, or almost…

Yes, Starbreeze has released the first images of its game in a very short video that is supposed to get fans excited. Well, the fact is that we don’t see much. We see a silhouette that seems to offer us a contract, but that’s about all. A short teaser and images that may disappoint fans who would have liked to see more. But never mind, the developers have planned everything since the first gameplay sequences will be unveiled this summer.
PayDay 3 will therefore be part of the Summer Game Fest, the hottest weeks of the year as far as video games are concerned.

This time, don’t miss the braco

For now, however, PayDay 3 remains a complete mystery. Little is known about the game. It is said that it will feature co-op again. That it will mark the comeback of Dallas, Chains, Hoxton and Wolf, and will focus on larceny of all sizes. From a small jewelery robbery to an ultra-secure bank hold-up. But apart from that, we have no other information to put in our mouths. Starbreeze keeps it a secret and remains silent when it comes to her foal.

At the time, PAYDAY 2 received a more than warm welcome from players. PayDay 2 has been one of Steam’s most played games for quite a while. However, a big criticism has been made to the studio regarding the follow-up of the title. Starbreeze has a bad reputation for multiplying DLCs and microtransactions. Faster than he knows how to patch his games. Hoping that the studio does not repeat with its PayDay 3. Because microtransactions are still a problem, if not even more so than before.
PayDay 3 is expected on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series, but does not yet have a release date.

And you PAYDAY 3 does it speak to you or not at all?

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