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Pedro Castillo: The Judiciary evaluates this Wednesday his appeal against preventive detention

Will they open the bars? The Permanent Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court will evaluate this Wednesday, December 28, from 9:00 in the morning, the appeal filed by the defense of the former president Pedro Castillo to revoke the mandate of 18 months of preventive detention, which was issued as a result of the coup perpetrated on December 7.

ALSO READ: Pedro Castillo and Lilia Paredes would be estranged: the former president did not know that he would travel to Mexico with his children

Castillo Terrones, investigated for alleged rebellion and conspiracy, among other crimes, has been held in the Barbadillo prison, in Ate, since December 16, one day after Supreme Judge Juan Carlos Checkley ordered the preventive detention that will be computed until June 6, 2024. The defense of the vacated former president seeks to have that mandate commuted by an appearance with restrictions to be able to face the investigations in freedom.

Among the arguments, presented by the lawyer Wilfredo Robles Rivera, it is mentioned that Judge Checkley made a mistake by not ascertaining whether Congress complied with the procedure established in article 89 of its regulations to lift the prerogative of political impeachment.

The Judiciary will also analyze tomorrow, December 28, the appeal presented by the Deputy Supreme Prosecutor Alcides Chinchay, who seeks to impose 18 months of preventive detention on the former prime minister, Aníbal Torres, within this case.

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The representative of the Public Ministry challenged the end of the decision of Supreme Judge Juan Carlos Checkley, who imposed on the former head of the Ministerial Cabinet the mandate to appear with restrictions, due to his advanced age, and the payment of a security of 20 thousand soles that already cancelled.


Nearly half of Peruvians prefer that former President Pedro Castillo remain in custody while he is tried for the failed coup he attempted, as well as for other alleged acts of corruption, according to the most recent Ipsos Peru survey.

According to this, 49% are in favor of complying with the 18 months of preventive detention issued against the former president. On the contrary, only 25% of those interviewed want Pedro Castillo to be released and reinstated in his position.

It is worth mentioning that this 25% is similar to the approval that the former president had before being vacated by Congress for trying to carry out a self-coup.


The former president Pedro Castillowho is currently being held in the Barbadillo prison for serving 18 months in preventive detention for his attempt to coupwould not have been aware of his wife’s decision lilia paredes to seek political asylum for her and her children in Mexico.

According to information from the weekly Hildebrandt en sus Trece, it was a congressman who told Castillo Terrones about this fact when he went to visit him at the Diroes headquarters. “On Tuesday I told him that his family was leaving the country for Mexico. That caught him off guard. He did not know”, mentioned the parliamentarian, who preferred to keep his name in reserve.

The publication also notes that Paredes did not even visit Castillo in the days leading up to his trip to Mexico. “Neither the wife nor the children visited him. He did not want his family to see him in those conditions.”, added a source from the aforementioned media outlet.

The ex-president and his wife would also be away due to a problem that occurred on December 7, the date on which the Police detained him after the failed coup that the professor unsuccessfully attempted to perpetrate. But what have you done, Peter! Why did you do it?Lilia yelled at him at the time of the arrest, as revealed by security members of the head of state present at the capture.

I understand that up to now he has not overcome an impasse he had with his wife when he was arrestedadded Hildebrandt’s source in his Thirteen.


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