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Pedro Castillo wins anti-award for the “most absurd, short and ridiculous coup in history”

SHAMEFUL. Pedro Castillo was chosen by the well-known YouTube channel, visualpolitikas the former president to take the anti-award to the “most absurd, short and ridiculous coup in history”. This after the former president tried to dissolve the Congress of the Republic of our country without any support.

READ ALSO: Pedro Castillo and Lilia Paredes would be estranged: the former president did not know that he would travel to Mexico with his children

As a good populist leader we did not expect much from him, but even so, Pedro Castillo has been so disappointing that he deserved to win an anti-award yes or yes. Castillo was a complete disaster, on top of that his government ended in the worst possible way with a coup attempt by skipping the Constitution, ”says the renowned youtuber.

In addition, the same YouTube channel recapitulates everything that happened with Pedro Castillo on December 7, the date on which he was arrested for the alleged crime of rebellion.

He gave the most absurd, short and ridiculous coup attempt in history. In just three hours, this man decreed the dissolution of Parliament, lost his position, left the Palace, was arrested by his own escort, “he said.


I did not know anything. The former president

According to information from the weekly Hildebrandt en sus Trece, it was a congressman who told Castillo Terrones about this fact when he went to visit him at the Diroes headquarters. “On Tuesday I told him that his family was leaving the country for Mexico. That caught him off guard. He did not know”, mentioned the parliamentarian, who preferred to keep his name in reserve.

The publication also notes that Paredes did not even visit Castillo in the days leading up to his trip to Mexico. “Neither the wife nor the children visited him. He did not want his family to see him in those conditions.”, added a source from the aforementioned media outlet.

The ex-president and his wife would also be away due to a problem that occurred on December 7, the date on which the Police detained him after the failed coup that the professor unsuccessfully attempted to perpetrate. But what have you done, Peter! Why did you do it?Lilia yelled at him at the time of the arrest, as revealed by security members of the head of state present at the capture.


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