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Pence says he has qualified for 1st Republican debate

Pence says he has qualified for 1st Republican debate

According to his campaign, Pence has collected 40,000 individual donors, one of the requirements imposed by the Republican National Committee. His advisers said she did it quickly, nine weeks into her campaign.

Pence had already met the requirement of getting at least 1% of voting intentions in three prestigious national polls or a mix of national and early-vote polls in the primaries, but had struggled to muster the number of donors for the debate on August 23.

The former vice president’s numbers improved last week, when criminal charges were formally filed against former President Donald Trump over his attempts to overturn the 2020 election.

The indictment was based in part on notes Pence took from his conversations with Trump in the days before the January 6, 2021 storming of the Capitol.

Trump tried to pressure Pence to support his bid to stay in power. In one episode, Trump reportedly told Pence that he was “too honest” in rejecting the president’s claim that his vice president had the power to stop Joe Biden’s certification of victory.

In a notable shift in tone for a candidate who has struggled to stand out in a primary dominated by his former boss, the Pence campaign seized the opportunity by offering hats and T-shirts emblazoned with “Too Honest” in big letters for sale. red.

Since the impeachment, Pence has become more aggressive in criticizing Trump, portraying himself as the man who averted a national catastrophe by resisting his pressures.

FOUNTAIN: Associated Press

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