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Pension reform: a broad mobilization is launched, first trade union for 12 years

It will therefore be 64 years old by 2030: Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne presented the pension reform on Tuesday, January 10, which already promises strong opposition in the street. A first day of union mobilization has been announced for January 19.

This day was launched at the call of the leaders of the eight major unions (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU), who had long announced their mobilization against any decline in age retirement age, whether set at 63, 64, or 65. She “gives the start of a powerful mobilization on long-term pensions”they say in a joint press release.

It is a union unity unprecedented for twelve years and the mobilization against the reform carried by Eric Woerth, who had raised this legal age from 60 to 62 years.

Pension reform: what to remember from Elisabeth Borne’s announcements

“This reform will hit hard all workers and more particularly those who started working early, the most precarious whose life expectancy is lower than the rest of the population”declared, on behalf of the inter-union, the boss of the CFDT Laurent Berger, whose executive had once hoped for support.

“We are determined that this reform will not pass” and “we want there to be as many employees as possible on strike” January 19, abounded his counterpart of the CGT, Philippe Martinez. “When you have all the trade union organizations of employees but also of youth who are against such a measure, it should make you think normally. »

The left joins the mobilization

The entire left, from the socialists to France Insoumise via the environmentalists, called on Tuesday evening to rally this first day of mobilization against the pension reform. “On January 19, all mobilized in the street”tweeted communist leader Fabien Roussel. “We call to join the Intersyndicale”added MP Eric Coquerel (LFI) on BFMTV, as did Pierre Jouvet, spokesperson for the PS. ” Obviously. My sneakers are ready »declared the national secretary of EELV Marine Tondelier to AFP.

The left is upwind against this reform, the leader of LFI Jean-Luc Mélenchon denouncing a “serious social regression”.

Pension reform: seniors still pushed out

On the extreme right side, the Rassemblement also opposes it, and Marine Le Pen assured of her ” determination “ at ” to block “ to one “unjust reform”, without calling directly to join the mobilization.

The president of deputies LR Olivier Marleix, for his part, showed himself “satisfied to have been heard” on the pace of reform and small pensions. The right, however, calls for “review clauses” in 2027 “before going to continue if necessary at 64 years old”, underlined Olivier Marleix. The PS, and the leader of its deputies Boris Vallaud, did not fail to denounce a programmed rallying of the LRs and their president Eric Ciotti to the reform.

Towards long-term mobilization?

For the rest, on the left of the trade union spectrum, officials imagine the mobilization in two stages, with the organization of two or even three major days of mobilization before the February holidays, then the installation in a movement ” harder “ early March, reports AFP.

François Hommeril: “The only person responsible for the conflict over pensions will be Emmanuel Macron”

In the street, the follow-up of the mobilization is difficult to predict, but the addition of the current demands, between rising energy prices and falling purchasing power, makes territorial intelligence fear “the anger of the social body, which could mobilize widely in the extension of government announcements”, according to a memo released on Tuesday. “If the population does not mobilize in numbers for the moment, the continued deterioration of purchasing power, coupled with badly perceived reforms, could lead to a new mobilization of citizens on a large scale”warns intelligence.

According to an Elabe poll for BFM TV unveiled this Wednesday, 60% of French people say ” sustain “ or experience ” sympathy “ with regard to the mobilization against the pension reform.

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