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Pension reform: a Tesla burned in the middle of the street to “denounce capitalism”, the videos

Rennais and Rennes, this news item will probably not have escaped you. Yesterday, during the strike against the pension reform, a Tesla was seen burning, boulevard de la Liberté. An anti-capitalist symbol, according to some protesters. Videos of the scene were released on Twitter.

The Tesla filmed burning during the January 19 strikes © Twitter screenshot

While Tesla records record sales following the price drop, yesterday in Rennes, boulevard de la Liberté, a Tesla was spotted burning, broken windows. Our colleagues from 20 minutes reveal that it was a malicious act on the part of demonstrators on the spot.

Videos of the Tesla burning in Rennes broadcast online

As our colleagues explain, this act will have triggered heated arguments between the demonstrators, on the spot. ” It’s completely dumb to do that, what good does it do you? said a protester. On the videos, we see the Tesla burning, street closed. ” Forced to bypass the Boulevard de la Liberté, many demonstrators did not join the Esplanade Charles-de-Gaulle, where the procession was to disperse say our colleagues.

For another protester, this burnt Tesla represents “ a symbol ». A picture ” against capitalism for another. On the spot, explosions and debris from the vehicle were thrown. However, firefighters will have quickly brought the situation under control.

Read: A Tesla suddenly stops on the highway and causes a gigantic accident

On the spot, in the street, the other cars are untouched, as shown in the videos. The Tesla was the only car to be vandalized. On Twitter, netizens are outraged. ” When jealousy combines with malevolence… ?‍♀️ says user @louinemie.

It is shameful ! Still surely jealous or people who do not work who take revenge! Hasn’t it occurred to them that the owner of this car has surely given themselves the means to get there in life and buy this vehicle? adds @pierto_bzh.

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