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Pension reform: departure at 64, contribution period … What to remember from Elisabeth Borne’s announcements

The long-awaited – and decried – pension reform is finally here. After weeks of consultation with the unions and employers, Elisabeth Borne presented this Tuesday, January 10 the content of the project, an “essential political choice” which aims to guarantee the balance of the system in 2030. The Medef welcomed “the decisions responsible and pragmatic” of the government. L’Express takes stock of the main measures.

  • The legal retirement age pushed back to 64 in 2030

The legal retirement age will reach 64 in 2030, compared to 62 today. The legal age will be gradually raised at the rate of three months per year from 1 September. It will therefore be set at 63 years and 3 months in 2027 at the end of the five-year term, then will reach the target of 64 years in 2030. “We have said it, we want to preserve our pay-as-you-go pension system, that is to say a system where those who work finance the pensions of retirees […] To say that this balance is no longer ensured is not a posture. It is an observation, a realistic observation, made by all those who have looked into pensions”, justified the Prime Minister.

  • Acceleration of the contribution period

The government’s plan plans to accelerate the extension of the contribution period set by the Touraine reform of 2014, advancing to 2027 the requirement of 43 years of contributions for a full pension instead of 2035.

  • The end of “most existing special pension schemes”

The Prime Minister announced that “most of the existing special pension schemes” were going to be “closed”. “It’s a question of fairness. This measure will only apply to new hires, who will now be affiliated to the general pension scheme.”

  • A revaluation of pensions to 1200 euros for employees and self-employed people with minimum wage

“In accordance with our commitment, employees and the self-employed, in particular craftsmen and traders, who have contributed all their life with income around the Smic will now leave with a pension of 85% of the net Smic, i.e. an increase of 100 euros per year. month. It’s nearly 1200 euros per month from this year, “said the head of government. In total, about “2 million small pensions” will be increased according to her.

  • An improvement in the long career system

The long career system, which allows employees who started working early to leave before the legal age, will be “maintained and improved”, said the Prime Minister. “In particular, we will create an intermediate level for those who started working before the age of 18. In 2030, when the legal retirement age will have been raised to 64, it will remain at 58 for those who started working very early, before the age of 16. For those who started between the ages of 16 and 18, I am thinking in particular of apprentices, retirement will be possible from the age of 60. And for those who started between the ages of 18 and 20, it will be possible at from 62 years old”, she detailed.

  • A reform that will bring in 17.7 billion euros in 2030

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, succeeded the Prime Minister. According to him, this reform will bring 17.7 billion euros in 2030 to pension funds. If 13.5 billion euros will be enough to return to balance, the remaining 4.2 billion will make it possible to “finance justice measures” for the most fragile pensions in particular, he explained.

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