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Pension reform: employees forced to return to work

Employees who left for early retirement are called back to work by their employers, due to the pension reform. They could lose tens of thousands of euros if they refuse.

Since September 2022, Olivier Clerc thought he was done with his professional life. At 59, he is in early retirement thanks to days accumulated in a time savings account. On the day of his departure, his colleagues had made him a guard of honour. Only, his company, the Orano group, asks him to come back to work for a year if he wants to receive his full retirement pension. Failing this, the company offers unpaid leaveand theu a smoothing of his current salary, which would cause him to lose 35,000 euros.

“Reform is imperative for us”

On the Tricastin site (Drôme), 15 other employees are concerned. They are 60 at the national level. The unions are calling on the management to negotiate. “If the company pays for two-thirds, maybe they will be able to accept losing a third of their pay and stay at home”, believes Cédric Noyer, union representative FO – Orano. For its part, the management of Orano ensures to apply the law. “The reform is imposed on us. It is not up to companies to compensate for the effects of the reform”says Vincent Frugier, director of social affairs at Orano.

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