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Pension reform: Iran calls on France to “listen to the people” after new protests

The Iranian foreign ministry on Friday called on France to “listen” to opponents of the pension reform, the day after another day of protest marked by clashes and violence.

“Those who sow the wind reap the storm,” spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanani, said on Friday on Twitter the day after the violence and clashes in several cities in France, on the sidelines of demonstrations against the reform. retirements.

“This kind of violence contradicts giving others moral lessons,” he added. “We do not support destruction or riots, but we maintain that instead of creating chaos in other countries, you should listen to the voice of your people and avoid using violence against them.”

More than 450 people were arrested and “441 police and gendarmes” injured Thursday, announced the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin.

“The French government must speak to its people and listen to their voice,” said Nasser Kanani.

The spokesperson was referring to the criticism expressed abroad, including by France, of the repression in Iran during the demonstrations which followed the death in custody, on September 16, of Mahsa Amini, arrested for violating the strict dress code imposed on women in the Islamic Republic.

Several hundred people, including dozens of members of the security forces, were killed and thousands more arrested during these demonstrations, described by the Iranian authorities as “riots” fomented by Israel and Western countries.

The European Union, like the United States and the United Kingdom, have imposed several series of sanctions against Tehran for the repression of protest, led in particular by women.

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