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Pension reform: the debates suspended for a few minutes because of a "weird smell" in the hemicycle

The deputies left the hemicycle for about fifteen minutes before resuming the examination of the bill.

This Wednesday, the deputies continued to debate the pension reform. These are the last days planned for this purpose since the examination of the text in the National Assembly will end on Friday.

But, around 5 p.m., two hours after the opening of the first public session, the parliamentarians had to interrupt their work. In question, not invectives or particular incidents but a “weird smell”, according to the confidences of several deputies to BFMTV.

After an intervention by deputy Bertrand Pancher, the vice-president of the National Assembly, Caroline Fiat, suspended the session for ten minutes, inviting “everyone to leave the hemicycle”.

“We are safe”

A frustrating event for the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) which wanted to present its solutions while the financing of the pension system was at the center of the debates.

Nothing to worry too much about, however: the exchanges were able to resume after about fifteen minutes. “After checking the services and firefighters, we are safe,” said Caroline Fiat.

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