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Pension reform: Xavier Bertrand sets three conditions to support the reform

Guest of BFM Politique this Sunday, Xavier Bertrand set three conditions to support pension reform, such as the end of special regimes, which he considers to be an “injustice”.

Xavier Bertrand, guest of BFM Politique this Sunday, sets three conditions to support pension reform. The first is to respect the principle of 43 annuities, which allow retirement before age 64.

The second is to put an end to special diets “an injustice”. And the last is to come back to the “two-level injustice” suffered by women so that they retire “at 65 and not 67”.

“Women’s careers and earnings haven’t been the same as men’s for decades. But most importantly, most of the time they are forced to retire at 67 for those who have had fractured careers. Some for years have not worked to take care of the children and have to wait until they are 67 to retire,” he said.

“Heard the request”

For his part, Éric Ciotti, the current leader of the Republicans, explained on Saturday in the columns of the Parisian that he “wishes[ait] to vote for a pension reform, because it is necessary” and assured that if the Republicans obtained satisfaction on long careers, the government’s project “to win[ait] a very large majority” among the LRs.

At this stage, the government reform plans to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64, with a gradual extension of the contribution period to 43 years. But a “hole in the racket” of the “long career” device risks requiring employees who started between 20 and 21 years old to contribute 44 years.

To restore “balance”, the LR group has therefore tabled amendments giving priority to the contribution period over the retirement age for those who started working early.

In the columns of JDDElisabeth Borne replied that she had “heard their request” to limit the contribution period to 43 years for those who started working before the age of 21.

Clement Boutin BFMTV journalist

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