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Pensions: after an hour with Borne, the inter-union notes the “failure” of the meeting

The word is out: a “failure”. Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne received this Wednesday morning April 5 at Matignon all the trade union confederations which have been demonstrating for several weeks against the pension reform. Following a meeting which lasted approximately one hour, the intersyndicale pointed out ” a failure “ on the steps of Matignon. “We will not return to the negotiating table”assured a member of the inter-union.

Inter-union: together, how far?

Borne maintains the reform

The inter-union noted on Wednesday the” failure “ of their meeting with Elisabeth Borne which lasted less than an hour and during which the Prime Minister refused, according to the unions, the withdrawal of the text.

The sequel after the ad

“We repeated to the Prime Minister that there can be no other democratic outcome than the withdrawal of the text. The Prime Minister replied that she wanted to maintain her text, a serious decision “declared Cyril Chabanier on behalf of the inter-union on the steps of Matignon.

“A radicalized government”

“We must continue the mobilization until the government understands that there is no other way out than the withdrawal of the reform”said Sophie Binet, the new boss of the CGT who denounced “a radicalized and obtuse government”.

10 things to know about Sophie Binet, the new general secretary of the CGT

“We are experiencing a serious democratic crisis”according to Laurent Berger, the boss of the CFDT.

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