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Pensions: dismissed from his post of vice-president of LR, Aurélien Pradié says to himself "more combative than ever"

Aurélien Pradié was removed from office by Eric Ciotti, judging that his line was “no longer in line with the values ​​of coherence, unity and unity which must guide the Republican right”.

Deputy Aurélien Pradié, stripped of his post as vice-president of the Republicans (LR) on Saturday, told the press in Cahors on Monday that he would be “more combative than ever” against pension reform and the defense of a “popular right”. If “a small handful” of deputies had not “resisted” the government “we would have obtained almost nothing as an evolution in the pension reform”, declared the elected representative of Lot, who spoke orally for the first time since his dismissal.

“There are many members of the Republican group within the Les Républicains group who (…) today have no intention of giving in to threats and intimidation and who ultimately do not intend to vote for this pension reform if it is not deeply modified”, he said.

“Defend the French”

While the examination of the text continues in the Senate, with a majority on the right, he said he had “full confidence” in the LR group and was “convinced that those who were skeptical about this fight at the start will become the first defenders of the Pradié amendment on long careers”. Regarding his eviction, he indicated that he had not yet spoken with the president of LR Éric Ciotti and assured that he did not regret his positions.

“The most important thing was to defend the French” and not to save a “position”, he underlined, wondering about the intentions of the presidency of his party: “it is to believe that some , at Les Républicains, do not want us to win the battle for long careers”.

However, he promised to remain involved in his “political family” and to fight there for the “return of this popular right”, “the only one” according to him to have “always won in the past” and to be “neither macronist nor lepeniste”.

“Faithful to his political family”

On Saturday, Eric Ciotti dismissed Aurélien Pradié from his duties as executive vice-president, judging that his line was “no longer in conformity with the values ​​of coherence, unity and unity which must guide the republican right”. The Lot deputy had reacted in a press release the next day, already ensuring that he would remain “faithful to his political family” and “would always refuse that the right gradually become the conciliatory crutch of the macronie”.

Aurélien Pradié asks the government for the assurance that anyone who enters the labor market before the age of 21 can retire at the full rate after 43 years of contributions.

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