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Pensions: Elisabeth Borne says she no longer wants to use 49.3 “apart from financial texts”

The Prime Minister claims to want to “appease the country”, after several weeks of protest and tension around the pension reform.

“The method that I set for the future is: no 49.3 outside the financial texts”, said Elisabeth Borne this Sunday, in an interview with AFP, while the use of this tool to have this reform has fueled protest.

“Since the beginning of the legislature, 11 bills have been definitively adopted and 12 legislative proposals. There has been recourse to 49.3 on three texts only” which are the budgetary texts for 2023, of which the pension reform is a part , recalled the Prime Minister.

In the texts, this tool can only be used once per parliamentary session outside finance bills (PLF) or social security financing bills (PLFSS), such as pensions.

“Appease the Country”

Article 49.3 of the Constitution allows the adoption of a text without a vote but exposes the government to a motion of censure. Two motions were rejected on the text of the pensions, including one with 9 votes.

Elisabeth Borne claims to want to “appease the country”, after several weeks of challenging the pension reform. She also says she is “available” to the unions to meet them on other sites than that of pensions.

On pensions, she recalls that the reform has been adopted and will “follow its course” until the Constitutional Council which will give an opinion, at the end of which the President of the Republic “must promulgate the law”, as provided for in the Constitution.

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