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Pensions: the Liot group threatens the government with a motion of censure if the text is not withdrawn

The independent group Liot has demanded the withdrawal of the pension reform text adopted via 49.3 and the resignation of the government, failing which a cross-partisan motion of censure will be tabled.

Faced with the “deafness of the government incapable of building compromises”, the president of the independent group Libertés, Indépendants, Outre-mer et Territoires (Liot), Bertrand Pancher, threatened the government on Thursday with the tabling of a motion of transpartisan censure ” in the next few hours”.

“We denounce the use of 49.3” in order to adopt, without the vote of the National Assembly, the text of the pension reform, specified the president of the Liot group.

“Immediate Withdrawal”

He then demanded “the immediate withdrawal of the pension reform” and the resignation of the government of Elisabeth Borne.

“Without a quick response from the President of the Republic, our group will file a cross-party censure motion in the coming hours,” warned Bertrand Pancher.

The group had been thinking for several days about filing a motion of censure against the government. Before this announcement, the National Rally and La France insoumise had already announced the filing of their motion of censure.

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