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Pensions: the requisition of strikers at the Gonfreville refinery suspended by justice

A setback. The administrative court of Rouen ordered in summary proceedings the suspension from this Thursday, April 6, 12:30 p.m., of the order for the requisition of strikers from the TotalEnergies refinery in Gonfreville-L’Orcher (Seine-Maritime).

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In his order, a copy of which was obtained by AFP, the judge in chambers considered that the prefectural decree of April 4 “carried a serious and manifestly illegal violation of the right to strike”the prefecture of Seine-Maritime having in particular not demonstrated that a need for fuel was not satisfied “for the purposes of public services”.

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The National Federation of Chemical Industries CGT and the CGT of TotalEnergies Normandie disputed the legality of this prefectural decree requisitioning striking personnel responsible for pumping and shipping from the Gonfreville-L’Orcher refinery to Ile-de-France and the Centre-Val de Loire.

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“These were requisitions at the approach of the Easter weekend to supply Ile-de-France (…) but the administrative court recalls that it is there to defend the fundamental freedoms of which the right is a part. of strike “estimated to AFP one of the applicants’ lawyers, Ms.e Savine Bernard. “The comfort of individuals is not public order”she added.

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According to Pierre-Yves Hauguel, CGT union representative at the TotalEnergies refinery in Normandy, “the requisitioned employees have just stopped sending products to the Paris basin”.

“It is a satisfaction because we had been rejected on the first order of requisition. The judge considered that there were other sites elsewhere in production and that there was a way to do otherwise”added the trade unionist.

A previous request from the CGT challenging the legality of requisitioning strikers to ship kerosene to Paris airports from this same refinery was rejected on March 26.

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