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Pentiment’s narrative designer Zoe Franznick is now working with Avowed

Obsidian Entertainment’s Pentiment was an unexpected hit last year with critics and gamers alike, who appreciated the well-written and realistic medieval story, all wrapped up in a period presentation. The game was developed by a small team of 13 people, one of whom was narrative designer Zoe Franznick.

Now have an attentive Twitter users noted that she moved on after Pentiment was released, and today she works according to her LinkedIn profile on Pentiment, the game that was once called an The Elder Scrolls contender (before Microsoft became the owner of that series as well). In total, Avowed has over ten narrative designers at the moment, which hopefully makes for a rich story with lots of side quests and things to do.

When we will actually see Avowed remains to be seen, it was announced almost three years ago as one of the first games for the Xbox Series X, but since then we have heard nothing. However, Zoe Franznick’s new assignment indicates that the work is progressing.

In addition to Avowed, Obsidian Entertainment is also working on the RPG The Outer Worlds 2.

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