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Pepa Baldessari defends herself against criticism: “In my time you didn’t earn money in football”

Horace ‘Pepa’ Baldessari He declared again for Trome after revealing, in an exclusive interview for the “papa newspaper”, that he is going through a difficult situation when he finds himself without money, circumstances that force him to live in a hotel and make the decision to return to Argentina, where He has a house that his mother inherited.

LOOK: ‘Pepa’ Baldessari breaks down and confesses that she is returning to Argentina: “I’m going to my town, at 64 years old life doesn’t give you much revenge”

The famous former Argentine soccer player thanked the solidarity messages he has been receiving after the dissemination of his dramatic story, but he also referred to the criticism, which claimed that he did not save ‘bread for May’.

In my time, money was not earned in soccer. The contracts that the boys now make, which I congratulate them, are… next to what we earned. That’s where we finished our studies buying a little house, giving our children an education. People out there are wrong, they think that because you play soccer, you think you have moneythere are people who do, who have had the blessing of earning a lot of money, but not in our time ”, clarified.

TROME | La Pepa Baldessari responds to criticism


In an emotional meeting with Andrés Hurtado, who went to his hotel when he found out about his situation, Horacio Baldessari broke down in tears when he received the news that the popular ‘Chibolín’ would fulfill a dream for him. In a brief conversation, both recalled their past days of friendship.

LOOK: La Pepa Baldessari will be this Saturday with Chibolín and reveals a long friendship: “We have known each other since there was not even a menu”

“You don’t have to tell me brother, how many years of friendship. We have shared with Walter, with Ronald, with Zeballos, that Jorgito has already abandoned us. We were a band but you know that, Lurigancho outside the prison was that ”, said the former sports commentator when the driver assured him that he loved and adored him.

Also the ‘pepa’ He couldn’t help but be moved and forced to put on his dark glasses to hide his tears. “You know… that about dreams Andrés, I have already told you that I am a bit of a crybaby and I see your program that cuts me, the generosity, that greatness of heart that you have, you never lost it and we met when you came rowing and paddling and sometimes there was not for the menu”, he said through tears.


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