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Perfect espresso at home with these secrets: what’s the point of spending €1.10 when you can make it yourself?

Perfect espresso even at home –

You may have found yourself paying even 1.10 € to drink a simple coffee at the bar. Is it worth it? Maybe not, especially if you know the secrets to making the perfect one using a moka pot. Luckily we are about to reveal them to you. Find out what they are, they will change the way you prepare coffee.

There’s nothing better than starting the day with a good coffee, which can give you the right boost to do it in the best way.

There are those who love to make it at home using the mocha and those who drink it at the bar. We certainly do not deny that doing so can also guarantee fun moments of conviviality, which you cannot have within the walls of your apartment. However, you should know that you can prepare a perfect espresso by yourself. This way, you won’t need to leave the house or have it brought to you to drink a really good one.

Perfect espresso even at home, we reveal some very useful tricks

First of all, when you prepare coffee with a mocha you never have to press it. Many will suggest you do it but it really doesn’t help much. In fact, it makes the taste worse.

Also, always remember to use cold water and not too rich in limestone. When pouring it into the coffee maker, never go over the valve.

Also important cook the coffee on a low flame, so that the mixture can release all its aroma. Remove the coffee pot from the heat as soon as you notice that the coffee has risen.

Before pouring it into the cups, remember to mix it a bit‘. Then make sure to change the moka filter and gasket when you notice signs of wear.

Never use a new moka

Coffee from a new machine is never particularly good. Therefore, if you want a perfect one, we recommend using an already run-in moka.

The secret to getting a creamy coffee

You want get a very creamy coffee? We give you a little trick that you can apply very easily. Take a glass and put teaspoons of sugar in it.

One will be enough for each cup you want to prepare. Afterwards, pour the first drops of coffee inside. Mix quickly for a few minutes. you will get a cream that you will have to pour into each cupand then add the rest of the coffee when it’s ready.

So, with this and with the other tricks that we have provided you, you will be able to prepare an excellent espresso coffee even at home. You won’t regret the one from the bar! Once ready, you can drink it alone or mix it with milk. According to a recent study, caffe latte could have very positive effects on health.

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