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Perotti participated in a management training day for Territorial Development

Governor Omar Perotti participated this Friday in the first day of initial integration of the second edition of the Training Program “Government and Management for Territorial Development”, which is organized by the Ministry of Government, Justice and Human Rights and the Secretary of Management Federal.

The initiative has the support of the Federal Investment Council (CFI), and is aimed at young people between the ages of 25 and 40 with a vocation for leadership linked to the sphere of government, public management, and development in the different territorial dimensions.

On the occasion, the fourth edition of the Federal Program “Management for Development” was presented, promoted by the CFI; a complementary and broadening instance of training with a federal perspective for those who completed the first edition of the provincial program.

During the opening of the event, held at La Redonda Arte y Vida Cotidiana in the city of Santa Fe, Perotti congratulated the young people “for their decision and commitment to training, which the province needs, and which Argentina needs.”

Then, the Governor highlighted the work of the CFI: “the Federal Investment Council has paved the way for these things, it is making training instances possible and it is generating with each of the Argentine provinces, a Federal dynamic, attending to some urgent needs , but basically thinking about future programs and that’s what we have to talk about. I am talking about ordering the future and that is what we have to do in Argentina, because Argentina has a future, Argentina is going to do well and when Argentina is doing well, Santa Fe is doing better”.

“These are the things from where we start – he continued – with our feet on the ground, without knowing or unaware that we have difficulties, we do, but it is one thing to know that I have difficulties in a positive context, it is not that we talk about things that are not there are: production capacity, food, we have the capacity and possibilities to exploit oil and gas, minerals and lithium, and to be strong actors in the knowledge economy”.

In this sense, Perotti expressed that “none of these things depend on others, we have them, what does depend on us is how we prepare for the best use and exploitation of these possibilities, that at this juncture we lack dollars. Yes, the main dollar-generating sector in Argentina went through the drought with the greatest impact in history for some, and in the last 70 years for us. So, without a doubt, this lack of supply of dollars generates this difficulty for us”.

Then, he remarked that “dollars also come from lithium and minerals, dollars also come from gas and oil and dollar savings, by not having to generate imports, that is, from the point of view of dollar production in the coming years It is clear that the horizon is there, we have it”.

Also, the Santa Fe president warned that “there is not as deep a knowledge as each one of the provinces has of its potentialities, of its needs and there is a permanent temptation for the porteños to order our lives, of how we have to do such thing or something else In an underestimation, many times to the professional and labor and managerial capacities of the interior, and training leaders has to do with this, with accompanying those potentialities with trained actors, with the ability to interact in each of their territories”.

Finally, Perotti thanked those present “for the commitment to form and be part of it”, and pointed out that “in each one of you there is one of the gears to order that future that is very good for Santa Fe and Argentina”.


Next, the Minister of Government, Justice and Human Rights, Celia Arena, highlighted that “territoriality is a very strong line of Omar Perotti, there are many who come from distant locations and today we can all meet. An initial idea of ​​the management, from our governor, who was thinking about how to generate these meeting spaces for knowledge and knowledge, but really shared, because knowledge and knowledge are useless if they are not shared, so being able to carry it forward and have representation from the entire territory is wonderful, because The idea is to generate and train tools linked to the territory, so that we have young people who are committed and have a lot of love for their province”.

Lastly, the Secretary of Federal Management, Candelaria González del Pino, stated that “it fills us with joy to see this round full of young people willing to train, to perfect themselves in each of the roles they have been playing, or for what they can assume at The world is rapidly changing and we need young leaders who are willing to learn, perfect their knowledge, know what the great challenges are, knowing first their territory, the system where their province is located and in this way find innovative, creative, that are articulated in a public-private way, two sectors meeting to seek answers”.


The Secretary General of the Federal Investment Council, Ignacio Lamothe, (CFI) acknowledged that the first governor who spoke about creating a training program was with “Omar Perotti, who told me that it had to be done now, given its importance . This is structural for the future of Argentina. I am grateful not only for the shared vision, but that this commitment is also produced in the promotion of the provincial program that the management is giving it”.

Lamothe highlighted the presence of representatives of the 19 departments that make up the province, who “gathered to think about the issues in their place, that concern them, that they are thinking about how to manage and transform them, which is good news regardless of the results of this program.

The secretary valued the province as “spectacular in the federal environment. What needs to be done is prepare to manage the country, so that living conditions in Argentina and the design of future development are not whether it will grow or not, but rather with Argentines being part of it, taking care of the environment and looking at the world context. We have a country that is not contaminated, it has episodes, but it is a clean country; Argentina is going to develop taking care of its health system, its educational system. These are the questions that this type of program has, and the bet is that they fall in love with the place where they live”.


Present together with young people from Santa Fe from the 19 departments of the province were the secretary of International Cooperation and Regional Integration of the province, Julieta de San Félix; the president of the entity of the Port of Santa Fe, Carlos Arese, and the director of the Master’s Degree in Territorial Development and the Praxis Institute of Rafaela, Pablo Costamagna, with his masterful talk: Introduction to territorial development.


The objective of the Provincial Training Program “Government and management for territorial development” is to provide current perspectives on the new paradigms of socio-productive development and modern management tools that allow participants to understand the new scenarios and make concrete contributions based on the elaboration of innovative projects, under public-private articulation schemes, that respond to current challenges, appealing to collective intelligence, teamwork and a comprehensive approach to the territory of Santa Fe from a social, environmental and economic perspective.

In this second edition, 138 young people from the 19 departments of the province participate, representing local and provincial governments, as well as Fisfe, BCR, BCSF, Puerto SF, Subfluvial Tunnel, Ateneos Rurales SF Confederation, Cooperatives and mutuals, civil associations, unions , universities, development agencies and companies such as Ternium SA, La Segunda and Easy Group, among others.


The Federal Training Program “Management for Development” is an initiative of the CFI aimed at young people with a vocation to occupy leadership positions or who work in decision-making positions.

It is based on the exchange of good practices in public management and successful experiences, related to the strategic productive sectors of the Argentine provinces. The program encourages the creation of a federal network of leaders capable of implementing a socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable development strategy that respects the particularities of each province.

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