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Peru: the Minister of Production resigned due to disagreements with President Boluarte

Wednesday, January 25, 2023 | 6:12 p.m.

The Minister of Production of Peru, Sandra Belaúnde, announced this Wednesday her resignation from the government of President Dina Boluarte, with whom she had strong recent clashes, after just two months in office.

The decision was made after the anti-government demonstrations in recent days, and in particular those that took place this Tuesday in the capital, Lima, and in many other regions of the country in turmoil since the overthrow of left-wing President Pedro Castillo.

Belaúnde had assumed his position on December 10 after Boluarte’s inauguration as president, and he only remained in office for a little over two months.

As reported by the local newspaper La República, which cites sources close to the resigning, Belaúnde was already evaluating the option of leaving office.

Belaúnde reproached the government for refusing to address the real underlying problems that triggered the popular revolt that has already left more than fifty dead and that seeks the removal of Boluarte and early elections.

In addition to Belaúnde, two other ministers in charge of the Labor and Women’s portfolios left the government this month.

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