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PETA condemns Rings of Power production after horse dies

The filming of the second Rings of Power season has suffered a fatality: a horse. The four-legged runner apparently died of heart failure during a training season according to Variety, which writes that Amazon Studios confirmed the incident on Saturday. As expected, the animal rights organization PETA has also condemned the incident, where PETA’s vice president Lisa Lange believes that they could have conjured up computer-animated piles instead:

“It seems that living underground with the orcs is par for the course for the producers of ‘The Rings of Power,’ because they have the option to use CGI, mechanical rigs and other humane methods that wouldn’t run vulnerable horses to death on set. PETA is calling on the show’s creators — and all other producers — to take on a new quest without using any real horses. If they can’t avoid exploiting animals for their art, they should find a new medium, because no one wants to see a spinoff for TV with torment as the theme.”

Should animals be digitized in movies and series to avoid unfortunate animal deaths?

Rest in peace, noble foal…
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