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Pete (33) died in the attack the two Norwegians were hit by

On Thursday 2 February, Sander Sørsveen Trelvik and Simon Johnsen were badly injured after being exposed to Russian artillery in Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine.

The two Norwegians had gone to the front in Ukraine to be volunteers for the organization Frontline Medics. On Thursday, they were among several volunteers who moved out following reports that civilians had been injured. But as more people gathered at the scene, the Russians struck again.

– It is a really cowardly tactic used by the Russians. First they bomb the civilians, and then they wait for help to come and bomb aid workers, said Sørsveen Trelvik from the hospital in Dnipro to TV 2 on Friday.

BURNS: Sørsveen Trelvik received third-degree burns to 30-40 per cent of his body and splinters in his back. Photo: Private

The sight that greeted Sørsveen Trelvik when he regained consciousness was like something from one’s worst nightmare.

– I saw everyone lying scattered on the ground. The patient we tried to save just moments earlier was now split in two. There were several dead bodies across the road.

Died while shielding another

The two Norwegian volunteers were badly injured, but made it to safety. They are now awaiting evacuation to Norway.

EVACUATED: – I’m looking forward to coming to Norway and having the damage examined, said Simon Johnsen to TV 2 on Saturday morning. Photo: TV 2/Bent Skjærstad

American Pete Reed is said to have lost his life while saving another. That’s what his wife, Alex Kay Potter, writes on her Instagram:

– He evacuated civilians and responded to those who were injured when his ambulance was hit. He died doing what he lived for, what he loved, and reportedly saved another volunteer by shielding the person with his own body.

Video shows images of the damage from the attack:

Dedicated his life to others

Reed was a decorated Navy veteran and a dedicated volunteer who, among other things, founded the organization Global Response Management.

In Ukraine, he volunteered for the organization Global Outreach Doctors, which confirms that Reed lost his life during the attack in Bakhmut.

– Pete assisted in the evacuation of civilians in Bakhmut when his car was hit by a missile on Thursday 2 February. Pete selflessly dedicated his life to the service of those affected by need and war, the organization writes in a press release and states:

– We will miss you, but also honor you by continuing the important humanitarian work.

AT THE FRONT: Pete Reed (centre) as a medic in Iraq in 2016. Photo: Marko Drobnjakovic

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