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Peter and Iris Klein: HE wants to go under the knife! SHE rages!

Imagine the following conversation.

peter small (56) dashes with his handyman bus to his wife Iris (55), reveals to her that he wants to marry her archenemy Yvonne (41) as soon as the divorce is over. An emotional explosion follows with Iris, she rumbles: “What does she actually want from you, you can’t even make her a child!”

boom! As BILD found out, that’s exactly what happened recently when the Kleins met in front of a sunny Mallorca backdrop.

Peter and Iris were a couple for 20 years before SHE ended the relationship in January. He was there because of the jungle camp in Australia – together with Yvonne Woelke. The rest is history.

What does Yvonne actually want from Peter? Actually love! Although both initially assured for weeks that they would not float on Woelke seven, they do.

BILD learned from the close environment of the two that they are firmly together and have long been working on a common future.

Speaking of tinkering. As an estranged wife Iris Klein threw the nasty “You can’t even make her a child” sentence at him, Peter is said to have said, according to BILD information, that he wanted to reverse his sterilization!

Peter and Yvonne had an affair in Australia – Iris is absolutely convinced of that. The fact is: today there is definitely something going on with the two of them

Photo: iris_klein_mama/Instagram, privat

What a declaration of love to Yvonne! Not only does she make his heart skip a beat, but she’s also the one Peter seems to be able to imagine having a baby with. Yvonne wants nothing more than to become a mom. When asked why she seemed so familiar with Peter in Australia, Yvonne recently told BILD: “I have an unfulfilled desire to have children, which is why I sought Peter’s advice. Peter is very experienced there, has two children of his own and three adopted children, grandchildren.”

Peter’s grandchildren are the children of Daniela Katzenberger (36) and sister Jenny Frankhauser (30). Peter is currently not in contact with the little ones and the daughters of Ex Iris – the marriage has broken a lot in the Katzenberger-Klein-Cordalis family.

The Iris Klein team includes daughter Daniela Katzenberger, son-in-law Lucas Cordalis and granddaughter Sophia

Photo: iris_klein_mama_/Instagram

At least the emotional fronts are clear: Peter loves Yvonne, Iris hates Peter. In terms of divorce, the couple is not further according to BILD information. Iris is waiting for Peter to file for divorce. But then he would have to pay for it. He, in turn, wants her to take the first step towards divorce. Probably because he has no money.

At least Iris is making money again: she is currently shooting with the Katzenbergers for their docu-soap.

A BILD inquiry about his plan to reverse his sterilization left Peter unanswered.

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