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Petro shakes up his cabinet, the third of his mandate in less than 2 years

Gustavo Petro's anti-drug policy causes controversy

BOGOTA.- He president of Colombia, Gustavo Petrohe asked her resigns all ministers of his cabinet, in which he is the third crisis in the ministerial train in the year and seven months that the leader of Colombia Humana has been in office.

According to information from the Colombian press, the shakeup occurred in a council of ministers held this Thursday morning in which Petro He asked his ministers for results. According to Blu Radio, the news had been expected for months after learning of the low budget execution of the ministries.

This Thursday it was also known that the director of the Department of National Planning, Jorge Iván González, presented his resignation after the council of ministers, due to differences with Petro.

The Colombian president has modified his team several times during the first year of his mandate.

The first cabinet crisis It happened in February 2023 when three ministers left. “We are at a decisive moment for our reforms and we need more cohesion and determination,” said Petro at that time, when the ministers of Education, Alejandro Gaviria; Culture, Patricia Ariza, and Sports, María Isabel Urrutia, left.

The trigger for that first crisis was the health reform, criticized by Gaviria, who lost the president’s confidence after a series of public letters against one of the initiatives most defended by the government.

The second crisis took place two months later, in April 2023. At that time, seven of the 15 ministers who were appointed at the beginning of the presidency left. Petro relieved the ministers representing the Conservative Party and La U, who were replaced by those close to the president’s circle.

He made changes to the portfolios of the Treasury, Interior, Health, Agriculture, Transportation, Science and Information and Communications Technologies (ICT). The most notable departures were those of José Antonio Ocampo, in the Treasury; and Alfonso Preda, in Interior; and Carolina Corcho, in Health.

Later, in July 2023, Petro relieved Irene Vélez, who was Minister of Mines and Energy, whom he replaced with Omar Andrés Camacho, who was Vélez’s advisor. This change ended parity between men and women in the Cabinet.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from Blu Radio / El País

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