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Petro’s ex-daughter-in-law reaches an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office in exchange for immunity

Petro's ex-daughter-in-law reaches an agreement with the Prosecutor's Office in exchange for immunity

BOGOTA.- Dayssuris Vásquez, ex-wife of Nicolás Petro, son of President Gustavo Petro, reached a collaboration agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office this Wednesday, within the framework of the judicial case against her for alleged crimes of money laundering and violation of personal data.

Vásquez promised to testify against her ex-husband Nicolás Petro –charged in the same case for the alleged crimes of money laundering and illicit enrichment– in exchange for two years of “total immunity.”

At the beginning of the investigation, the prosecutor’s office had accused Day Vásquez of acting as administrator of the funds that went into Petro’s electoral campaign. The judicial body also accused Vásquez of committing crimes of money laundering and violation of personal data.

Investigation Development

The Colombian Prosecutor’s Office in its social network grants total immunity.”

“The information provided by Daysuris made it possible for the crime of money laundering to stop being carried out,” stated the Prosecutor’s Office. The collaboration agreement was signed between the parties before the judicial services center of Barranquilla, W Radio review.

It should be noted that Vásquez accused Nicolás Petro in March of having links with drug traffickers and smugglers, as well as receiving large sums of money supposedly intended for the current president’s presidential campaign, but which in reality he used to live a life of luxury in the city of Barranquilla (north).

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Source: Europa Press/Editorial

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