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Philippe Vasset, Ariane Bois, Anita Brookner… Books of the week not to be missed

To avoid feeling dizzy when faced with the mountain of books at your bookstore, each week, the culture department of “the Obs” offers you its literary reviews. Novels, thrillers, comics… There’s something for everyone. Good reading !


The Child of the Volcano, by Léo and Ghyslène Marin

♥♥♥ Albin Michel, 320 p., 20.90 euros.

How to tell the black hole, the historical repression of the thousands of Reunionese children, torn from their land and their families, in the 1960s, to come and repopulate France? In this moving novel, a mother, originally from the former Bourbon Island, professor of literature, herself a victim of this state kidnapping, and her son, go in search of this buried memory. Leaving from a village in Creuse, they offer us a procession of splendid and flamboyant characters, bearers of these invisible wounds, of this quest for origins, but also seekers of light and blue mornings. The strength of the book? He is neither inquisitorial nor prisoner of a vengeful cancel culture. To read in the shade of the flamboyants of the Piton de la Fournaise. Serge Raffy

This country we call livingby Ariane Bois

♥♥♥ Plon, 288 p., 20.90 euros.

The essence of this novel describes the efforts of Leonard Stein, a young German-Jewish cartoonist who took refuge on the Côte d’Azur, to escape from Les Milles where he was sent in September 1940. In this former tile factory transformed into a camp for internment, located near Aix-en-Provence, were held prisoner

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