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photographic series "Kievban" shows devastation in the Cuban capital

photographic series "Kievban" shows devastation in the Cuban capital

Two artists from different latitudes, the Cuban Yulier P and the American photographer and veteran soldier Jason Everett, come together to create “Kievbana”, a documentary photographic series that explores the impact of urban devastation in Havana.

“Kievbana” is a project that seeks to analyze and raise awareness about the anthropological consequences of urban devastation in the political and social life of a community.

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The series takes place in Havana, the capital of Cuba, where the clash of experiences of both artists, one as a citizen of a country victim of totalitarianism and the other as a veteran of two wars, intertwine in captivating and analytical images, he explained. Yulier P on his Facebook page.

Each photograph captures the reality of a city in which the traces of urban devastation are evident. Through the lens, the effects of the deterioration of the infrastructure, the loss of architectural heritage and the political and power decisions that have led to this situation are explored.

Yulier P and Jason Everett in Havana / Photo: Yulier P.

Yulier P, renowned Cuban visual artist, brings his perspective as a citizen immersed in the reality of a country that has faced socioeconomic and political challenges. His critical gaze and commitment to his homeland allow him to capture in images the complexity of urban devastation and its impact on Cuban society.

On the other hand, Jason Everett, photographer and American veteran soldier, brings his experience of having lived and faced the consequences of war on two occasions. His unique vision is intertwined with that of Yulier P, providing a different but complementary look at the devastation and its consequences.

Kievbana / Yulier P.

Everett shared on his Facebook some of the photos he took in Havana, and stressed that the true treasure of that city is its people.

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The “Kievbana” project is more than just a photo series. Both artists seek to raise awareness of the responsibility that peoples must assume in the participation in the political life of their governments.

Likewise, it invites reflection on the decisions and actions taken by the circles of power, which can trigger the destruction or total decline of a society or country.

The artists hope that their work will inspire action and citizen engagement in the search for a brighter future and demonstrate that art can be a powerful tool to bring about change.

Kievbana / Yulier P.

Both Havana and kyiv have experienced periods of destruction and devastation that leave traces in its landscape and in the life of its inhabitants.

In the case of Havana, it lacks investment in infrastructure, which translates into the deterioration of historic buildings, and the scarcity of resources and economic instability exacerbate the situation. These factors have contributed to the appearance of deteriorated urban areas and the loss of part of their architectural heritage.

For its part, kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, has also witnessed difficult times, especially after the war that Russia unleashed against him more than a year ago. The armed confrontations and the bombardments left behind destructive effects in urban areas, affecting infrastructure, housing and the daily life of its inhabitants.

Although the circumstances and causes of the destruction in Havana and kyiv are different, both cities have faced similar consequences in terms of loss of heritage, urban decay and socio-economic challenges. In both cases, the urban devastation has had an impact on people’s lives, generating difficulties and the need to rebuild and revitalize the affected areas.

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